Introduction to online study and using Moodle
1. Two minute guide to Moodle
Most students find Moodle very easy to use with little or no instruction. However, if you would like a brief overview you may just want to read the following information.
All courses can be accessed from the site homepage. Click on the course title to open each course. From anywhere on the site, you can return to the homepage by clicking Home in the navigation bar.
Alternatively, use the Menu drawer to navigate. You can open the Menu drawer by clicking on the left-pointing arrow from anywhere on the site.
My courses
All your courses are listed under My courses. You can track overall progress as well as organise the courses in your preferred order from there too.
Course homepage
From the course homepage, scroll down to reveal the course content, organised in modules. The content for each module can be revealed or hidden by clicking on the title of the module. You can get back to the homepage at any time by clicking on the link to the shortened version of the title of your course e.g. MathsYYYY in the navigation bar or in the Navigation block in the Menu drawer.
Module content
The content is organised by topic. Each topic is represented by a book icon. When you open a book, you can navigate using the Table of contents in the Menu drawer, or by using the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of each page. Where possible, external resources have been embedded.
Some of the courses include quizzes. The diagnostic quizzes at the start of a module have been designed to help you identify areas you need to focus on, and the feedback will indicate which part of the content covers specific topics. Topic-specific quizzes will help you check you have assimilated the core ideas and skills for each topics.
Quizzes are represented by a quiz icon. Click on the title and then the Attempt quiz now button to begin. If you have already attempted a quiz, or left midway, you will be given
an option to Continue last attempt or Re-attempt quiz.
Once in the quiz, choose what you think are the correct answers for each question, and when you have completed all the questions choose 'Submit all and finish'. You will then see your score, the correct answers and personalised feedback on your results. Once you have attempted a quiz you can revisit the feedback on your latest attempt by clicking Review or, as already mentioned, you can click Re-attempt quiz to take a quiz again.
Tracking your progress
The course is self-paced. When you feel you have completed a section or activity, you can mark it as Done by clicking on the Mark as done label . This
label can be found next to each element on the course homepage, or
below the page title if you have the activity open. Marking items as Done
will help you track your progress through the course.
If you would like to see any of the content of the course in more detail you can zoom in and out of the materials by clicking the Ctrl button and the + button to zoom in, the Ctrl button and the - button to zoom out, or the Ctrl button and the 0 button to return to the original size.